FYC Youth Talks – When is the right time to find a Boyfriend or Girlfriend

(FYC Youth Talks – When is the right time to find a Boyfriend or Girlfriend) Venue: Zoom

Number of Participants: 26

After 3 weeks of planning, FYC Volunteers organized a 2 hours Webinar on Zoom, on the topic – When is the right time to find a Boyfriend or Girlfriend. The event was graced by Mr. Bernard Sim, the Chairman of the Federation of Youth Clubs, Singapore (FYC), and the Main Speaker was Mr. Saminathan Moghan, a language lecturer who has worked with Youths for many years.

During the Main Session, Mr. Saminathan discussed the research findings on why young people want to have a boyfriend or girlfriend relationship and some case studies showing the negative consequences when one falls into such a relationship before becoming mature. Thereafter, he shared about the importance of protecting oneself, educated participants about the meaning of true love and addressed some common questions youths have regarding having a relationship. Through the Ice-Breaking and Breakout Room Discussion Sessions, participants got to interact with one another and share their views about this topic. The conclusion of the session was to wait for when one is mature and responsible to get into a relationship and that purity is the buzzword.

Overall, it was an enjoyable and informative session that all the participants enjoyed, and we look forward to hosting these events and reaching out to more youths in our community.


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